Descendants of Our Mr. Adamson

The purpose of this database is to display the lineage of all Adamson researchers.

The researcher who submitted the data is identified by " ***** " in their given name.
These researchers have submitted their data directed to me or furnished the
information to a public site or publication for the purpose of display.

As only the lineage of the researcher is shown, other siblings of their ancestors will
not be shown, unless another researcher of that branch grants permission and supplies
the necessary information. If your lineage is not shown, contact me.

All quaker dates have been converted to the Gregorian Calendar. This will present
a more understandable and consistent view of early quaker dated events.

Jerry F. Adamson
P.O. Box 869
Dona Ana, New Mexico 88032

Created 16 June 2018 with RootsMagic Genealogy Software