                           Dober- 1997                                                            Tanner - 1999
                                                            Hickory Ridge Cemetery, Brown Co., Ohio
                                             Maizie-  2005  Also at Hickory Ridge Cemetery

                             Rusty- 2004                                                           Maizie- 2005

Dober, Tanner, Rusty
and Maizie
 my  assistant's in research

I lost Dober on April 20, 1999. He was an nine  year friend and traveling companion.  He knew the routines
and had an understanding of all of my pet peeves. He prefered meat to vegetables,  but he eat fried
potatoes and beans with the an eager appetite.  He  also required a gallon of  dog food each week. We
travel with several containers. He weighed just over a hundred pounds, so he is noticed by all.

I got Tanner in June, 1999. He learned the routines of travel and my research. He was an eager learner and
wanted to go everywhere I did.  He enjoyed the traveling and meeting new folks. He also weighs just over a hundred
pounds. I lost Tanner on May 15, 2004 at the age of nine years.

I got Rusty on June 12, 2004. He was one year old and weight only 60 pounds, but full of energy.  I didn't have
Rusty long enough to get any good  photos or have any stories to tell.  We were becoming very good friends
when I lost him on November 11, 2004.

Maizie came to me in December, 2004. She is three years old and weighs 80 pounds. We are learning new things together.
She has lots of energy, but prefers to be with me in the house when the weather is cold.

They seem to have an un-canny sense in finding Adamson grave markers.  They have patience in getting
the paperwork done and pictures  taken. They know it takes  time to get all the documentation done.  They
even selected the best marker to have there picture taken.


My office consists of a notebook computer and digital camera in my RV.  Most of my travels are in an
1998 Road Trek. It has all the luxuries of the “big” RV’s , except (1) a sink in the bathroom, (2) an oven
under the stove, and (3) Space.  The van is quite comfortable for the two of us. It only gets crowded when
the weather is bad, and I decide to prepare a fancy meal. It can enter into a cemetery very easily and be
non intrusive.

I use a color GPS unit in the Van. The software shows many features including many cemeteries.  I also have
a portable B/W unit that I carry with my other items. The b/w unit can operate several hours on two batteries.
The color unit operate on batteries, but not very long.  Both units can be connected to the portable computer
to download specific detailed maps.

It takes about ten minutes to get the satellite dish aimed and  get the computer hardware connected, then
we can operate for about ten hours (on battery power) without being connected to Electricity. We also
can use the generator to operate longer.

We do not connect to the internet while we are in travel mode.  The computer is only used to keep all of
our research data handy.  I do stop at public libraries and access my email. My ISP has a web mail program
where as I can answer my email from any site along the way.

I like to watch the news and weather daily, so the TV  is really a necessity in our travels. We don’t maintain
any schedule, just an “idea” of which general direction we travel.  If we like an area, we may lay over for a
day, if not  we may travel on until we find a good place.

Our idea of a meal is a grilled (we carry a propane grill) steak, a baked potato, a salad, and a vegetable.  We
also have a generator.  Baked potatoes are only ten minutes away.

We prefer non-improved camping areas, or at least don’t need the fancy features of many  RV parks.  Just a
quite space where Tanner can roam and where we can enjoy nature.

In 1996, we traveled in 35 states. We saw the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, viewed Mexico across the river
from El Paso, and was within six miles of Canada.  We make annual treks from New Mexico to Pennsylvania
and Tennessee with numerous points along the way.  I avoid traveling the same route twice.

I use the computer and digital camera as a tool in my Genealogical Research. The computer permits me to
keep a great volume of information in a more organized fashion at my finger tips at all times.  All of this
information is also available in my travels. The computer travels with me into libraries and cemeteries to
record the information. We carry a small scanner, and printer. We also review the digital photos for quality before
moving on.

I hope you enjoy the photographs that we have accumulated.

To read more about Dober: 

To read more about Tanner: 

To read more about Rusty:  

To read more about Maizie 
